Raising backyard chickens, month by month.

Raising chickens month by month – pin for later.

Raising chickens in your backyard is not difficult, and can be very rewarding.

But it's important to know that your flock requires different levels of care at different times of year.

Sometimes, especially if you're new to chicken-keeping, it can feel a little overwhelming to know what to do, when.

In these pages, we'll take each month in turn and look together at how to care for your chickens, step-by-step, month by month. 

If you'd like to take it a step further, signing up for my newsletter means you'll get a free checklist of critical tasks at the start of every month.

Print it out to take with you into your coop, or fill it in online. Feel the satisfaction when your tasks are done!

You'll never need to worry about how to raise chickens ever again!

A note for readers in the southern hemisphere.

These pages are written with raising chickens in the northern hemisphere seasons in mind.

If you're in the south, simply choose the months that correspond most closely with your climate.

Looking for tips about one season in particular? 

Use these links to jump straight there!

Raising backyard chickens in the Spring.

Spring: the time when every chicken-holic's thoughts turn to incubating and hatching – or to heading down to the feed store or hatchery to order some cute balls of fluff.

I have that covered with articles about what happens at different points of incubation, and a hatching course for those who want additional details and personal support.

What about the adults in the flock? As winter turns to Spring, do their needs change? What foods should they be given?

When exactly will hens come back into lay after the scarcity of eggs during the winter months?

This season stretches through the gradually brightening days of March and April, right up until the end of May.

Access all your to-do tasks for Spring by month.

Chicken care in March - click to view article.
Chicken care in April - link.
Chicken care in May - link.

Supplementary articles about raising backyard chickens in Spring.

These are articles which each relate to chicken-related tasks you may need to complete before summer arrives.

Raising chickens in the Spring - link.
Incubating equipment explained - link.
Omlet's chicken coop design review: link to article.

Summertime: everything you need to know about raising backyard chickens when the weather heats up.

Every summer, my "Chicken Digest" community receive a free, downloadable 30-tip checklist to help keep their chickens cool during summer months. It's not available on this website or anywhere else.

Have you signed up for my Chicken Digest yet? Check it out here!

The temperature's rising, hens are back in lay, and those roosters who hatched last year are starting to make clear who they think the leader of the flock should be...

What needs do your flock have at this time of year? What foods should they be given, and what treats are available this season?

And what about extreme temperatures? Do chickens get heat stroke? What can be done to prevent it? How can chickens be kept hydrated when the temperatures rise? What's the best bedding for the chicken coop to keep temperatures – and flies – down?

All these questions will be answered for you, month by month, between the beginning of June and the end of August.

Find all your summer tasks detailed in each month's article.

Caring for chickens in June - link.
Chicken care in July - link.
Raising chickens in August: 20 tips for a healthy flock. Link.

Want more information about how to keep your chickens safe in the summer months? 

Here are three key supplementary articles for raising backyard chickens in the summer.

Thumbnail chicken care summer, T2.
How to spot heat stroke in chickens - link.
Frozen treats to keep your flock cool in summer - link.

Raising chickens in the Autumn (Fall).

As summer heads towards winter, autumn steps in. The weather is cooler, predators start hunting for food and chickens become vulnerable to attack.

From dealing with moulting hens to giving your coop a winter-ready inspection, from  growing protein rich foods to last through the winter months to keeping your flock safe from human celebrations – it's all dealt with in these articles.

Together, we'll make sure your chickens are safe and your coop is putting its best foot forward to deal with the winter onslaught about to happen.

Your Autumn articles detailing all critical tasks, month by month.

September in the chicken coop - link.
Thumbnail chicken care October
Taking care of your flock in November - link.

Supplementary articles for raising backyard chickens in the Autumn (Fall).

Growth in the garden may be slowing down, but tasks we need to complete to keep our flock safe and healthy are speeding up as this season progresses.

Make sure you're prepared for Autumn issues!

Caring for chickens in autumn - link.
All about moulting - link.
Electrolytes and why chickens need them. Link to article.

Keeping your flock safe when temperatures plummet: winter in the chicken coop.

Winter. Christmas allows us to spoil our flock, decorating the coop and offering healthy seasonal treats.

But freezing temperatures, cold winds and damp all provide specific problems for the backyard chicken owner.

From frostbite to windchill, the benefits of garlic to beating winter boredom in the coop, you'll find all the information and tips based on research you need here to keep your chickens safe, healthy and happy from early December to the end of February.

These articles look at the issues each month brings, and begins to plan for the time the days start getting lighter and thoughts turn to hatching, chicks and the warmer days of Spring.

Get ahead of your Winter tasks, month by month.

Tasks around the coop for the month of December - link.
Raising chickens in January: all you need to know - link.
Taking care of your flock in February - 20 to-dos to keep your chickens healthy.

Supplementary chicken keeping articles for the winter.

You may be surprised at how well backyard chickens can deal with the cold. Nevertheless, there are ways we can help them survive the onslaught winter brings.

Here are three of my most popular seasonal articles to help your flock stay strong, no matter what the weather throws at them!

Winter in the chicken coop - link.
Light in the chicken coop - yes or no? - Link.
Treating frostbite - link.

Link to Raising Happy Chickens home page.